


Casa is the easiest way to secure and self-custody your Bitcoin and Ethereum.

At Casa, I’ve led all product design efforts from vetting feature concepts, wire framing, and journey mapping — all the way to visual motion design. I’ve also led most branding and packaging efforts.

Casa’s app is rated at 4.9/5 on the App Store with over 700 ratings.

We won Best UI / UX in Web 3.0 Award at the CogX conference in 2019.


Casa App

Please full screen animated flows 👼.

Designed all mockups and flows as well as created animated transition videos for the engineering team. These videos were made with a combination of Principle and After Effects. Flow transitions were accompanied with animation specs docs.


Casa Website

I’ve built and designed Casa’s primary website in Webflow.


Casa Checkout

First image is of Casa’s free trial checkout. The later is a separate checkout for premium tiers.